TF Archives

Welcome to Central Station 2.0

Author: Aaron Roach
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Welcome to Central Station...err...again!

As you can tell by the site's pretty facelift, we have been frantically busy trying to ensure that our new home is not just a place for us to get the latest music on dance and festivals, but also busy ensuring it's a place you can now call your favourite destination.

After many, many hours in front of the developer computers, it was only a matter of time before we were allowed to unleash this killer new platform on to you guys - yes, it's all about you. If we left it any other way, it'd be our own blunder!Until next year, take great care of yourselves and have a fantastic festive spectacular.On a sadder note, we have now said our last farewell to TranZfusion, one of Australia's original homes for dance music news, streams and pictures. Many a memory will be held by the community - whether they still use the platform or not - and it goes without saying that we are only going to get stronger through the re-branding. TranZfusion still lives on, just on the inside (puke).

The release of the new platform coincides with the festive season, which means there won't be many more articles and photos for you to poke your mouses at. Once we return in the new year, you'll be treated to a smorgasbord of kick-ass content, including everyone's favourite, PICTURES! We'll also be throwing massive competitions your way and, of course, we'd still love for you to contribute any way possible.

Until next year, take great care of yourselves, have a fantastic festive spectacular and we'll see you all on the other side.


The Central Team