TF Archives

Mixmaster Mike - Legend

Author: TranZfusion
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Video sharing websites have become a staple for any user of the nic-a-nac. It also allows people from the other side of the world to catch highlights from gigs we could never get to, unless we had wads of cash and got flown everywhere for free...believe us when we say TranZfusion is working on that.

Mixmaster Mike is a name synonymous with, well, how do you categorise a guy that's probably one of the most amazing turntablists you're ever going to witness. While the records in the background of the Beastie Boys are cut up like no tomorrow, it's the visual element that really gives you a glimpse as to what this wizard is capable of.

The coolest part of the TranZfusion day is finding little flicks like this on the internet (nic-a-nac). It is one of the most insane array of trickery from someone that could do it standing on their head, blindfolded and hands tied behind their back.

This video just speaks for itself, so enjoy.

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