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No sex please we're watching TV

Author: Jonty Skrufff
Friday, July 28, 2006

A new study of Brits’ bedtime secrets has revealed that peopled spend three times as long watching TV, thinking and making important life decisions, as they do having sex.

The survey for Silent Night Beds discovered that average Brits have three hours of bed sex each week (153 hours per year) and chat to partners for 45 minutes, though spend over four hours each week contemplating life and almost two hours watching TV.

Sleep expert Cliff Arnall, of the British Psychological Society said the study results are alarming and warned that watching TV in bed can disrupt REM sleep.

“People are using their bedroom for things they ought to be doing outside the bedroom,” he told the National News. “People need to be re-educated really because people aren’t taking sleep seriously enough.”

The study coincided with the publication of Zestra’s National Relationship survey which painted a highly dysfunctional picture of sex in the UK, where large numbers of women are either not getting enough sex or are faking orgasms, while equally huge numbers of men being regularly sexually rejected.

The survey of 1941 Brits revealed that 1 in 20 women see sex as a ‘household chore’ with 25% of women in the 25-34 year old age bracket saying they find it difficult to get aroused even though they find their partner attractive, while a third (7 million) want more sex.

“Unless you’ve just fallen wildly in love, you tend to think that other people are having better sex lives,” said women’s magazine guru Marcelle d’Argy Smith. “This survey shows that far from lack of interest in sex, women would like to be more sexually aroused by their partners.”

The study also revealed that 25% of men are sexually rejected by partners half of the time, with one in ten 45-54 year olds being rejected every time, which reflected the findings of a Japanese study this week which revealed that up to 10% of Japanese men aged between 40 and 44 remain virgins.

“This generation matured around the time of the (economic) bubble. It was a time when women were very particular about their men and they were looking for guys with high academic achievement, and high incomes and who were also high in physical stature,” leading marriage counsellor MayumiFutamatsu told the Japan Times.

“That led to a distinct rift between the guys who could get women and those who couldn’t.” 