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Brit Blokes Top French in Gay Sex Polls

Author: Jont y Skrufff
Saturday, November 27, 2004
A new survey of 1,000 Brits has revealed that 1% define themselves as gay with a further 5% admitting to experimenting sexually with someone of their own sex, the Independent reported this week.

The "People's Poll' (carried out for the UKTV G2 channel) differed significantly from an earlier survey published this year by the Conservative backed Policy Exchange organisation which found that 3.5% of British men admitted to at least one homosexual experience, compared to 4.9% of Frenchmen. The new survey provides partial vindication for bonkers former French Prime Minister Edith Cresson who famously once suggested that "Anglo-Saxons are not interested in women.'

"In the USA there are already 25 percent of them (homosexuals) and in England and Germany it is much the same," she said in 1987. "You cannot imagine it (homosexuality) in the history of France."

However, the new survey destroyed claims by the Independent's own in house (British) sex columnist Rowan Pelling, who previously suggested that almost all Englishmen are gay.

"Sexual ambiguity is the Englishman's heritage: it is what the world expects of him," she claimed last year. "The question here is not "is he gay-' just "how gay is he-' "

Gender bender icon Boy George also raised the issue in the Observer around the same time, declaring "The men who shout the loudest about being straight are the ones who like to be fucked the hardest.'

"The words "gay' and "straight' are pretty lazy anyway," he added. "The terminology is irrelevant because everyone is confused about the sexuality."