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Sex Addicts On Power Not Pleasure Trips

Author: Jonty Skruff
Sunday, October 12, 2003
More than1 in 20 Americans are sex addicts though most are seeking control rather than pleasure, a report in the Atlanta-Journal Constitution (US) suggested this week.

"I think sex addiction is one of the most destructive disorders I work with," Atlanta sex therapist Linda Hudson told the Journal.

"They (sex addicts) treat people as objects to be used, not as people to be related to. It's never about the sex. It's about power, and how do I feel better."

The article suggested over half such addicts are also alcoholic and outlined three main criteria for identifying the condition; losing control over having sex or not, facing significant consequences as a result of losing control and constantly thinking about sex.

According to the feature, many sex addicts develop cycles of increasingly risky behaviour, which could have dire consequences for addicts based in Moslem country's like Indonesia where authorities last week started drafting laws to formally outlaw oral sex, gay sex and even cohabiting.

"It's still in its early stages," Justice Minister Sukartono told Reuters. "We're still collecting input from various parties and experts."

Under the new laws, couples caught having gay sex could be jailed for seven years, while oral sex criminals could be jailed for 12 years (Daily Mirror).