TF Archives

Radiohead Singer To Join The Zapatistas-

Author: Jonty Skrufff (
Saturday, September 13, 2003
Outspoken rock star Thom Yorke launched a fearless assault against global capitalism this week branding the Western system a 'corrupt protection racket'.

"The constant mantra of the 'trickle-down' effect of wealth creation is comical," the Radiohead singer told The Guardian.

"It's so last week, dahling" (darling- thespian ed).

Yorke's all-out attack on the World Trade Organisation (WTO) was timed to coincide with the WTO conference in Cancun, Mexico and struck more than a few chords with a new statement issued by Subcomandante Marcos, infamous leader of the Mexican peoples' movement the Zapatistas.

"Brothers and sisters, there is dissent over the projects of globalisation all over the world," the Commandant pointed out.

"Those above: who globalise conformism, cynicism, stupidity, war destruction and death. And those below: who globalise rebellion, hope, creativity, intelligence, imagination, life, memory and the construction of a world that we can all fit in, a world with democracy, liberty and justice." (The Guardian)

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Title: Thom Yorke
Artist: Radiohead
Photographer: Jason Evans
Date: 01 Mar 2003
Copyright: EMI Records Ltd