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New York Smoking Ban Backfires

Author: Jonty Skruff
Sunday, October 12, 2003
New York's zero tolerance-style ban on smoking is boosting tobacco's rebellious image, according to a report in this week's Sunday Times.

"Where once it was uncool to smoke- bad breath, lung cancer and so on- the ban has made smoking daringly edgy," the Times revealed.

"Prohibition is back and so are the speakeasies that made living in the 1920s such fun."

According to the newspaper, some bar owners have started hiring pretty girls to smoke cigarettes outside their venues, though quoted statistics suggesting takings are down up to 50%. Skrufff's man-in-New York Larry Tee agreed.

"The smoking ban has really affected the clubs here," said Larry.

"Many clubs seem like ghost towns because we know, unfortunately, that all the cool, fun people smoke. What puzzles me is with the financial ruin that New York City is experiencing right now, why did they decide to fuck up the club economics-"