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Jonny Slut on Nag, Nag, Nag's Music- We Call It Freakcore

Author: Jonty Adderley (
Saturday, May 24, 2003
Nag chief Jonny Slut dipped his toes in the shark-infested waters of alternative labels for electroclash this week, telling Skrufff 'I fancy calling it Freakcore.'

"Freakcore is music for freaks and outsiders," said Jonny.

"It's dance music with a freaky attitude, whether that's punk, electro, disco or house."

His focus on the importance of Nag's crowd rather than just the club's music policy, reflects his punk origins which he first expressed through seminal 80s Goth club The Batcave.

"Like the Batcave Nag's pulling a very diverse crowd made up of various different sub cultures, particularly the freaky, fashiony, freakwavers and the gay crowd, to the slightly Goth crowd to a more usual dance crowd," he continued.

"At the Batcave, we'd have everyone from psycho-billies and skinheads to Goths to gay people, all getting on merrily."

And while extreme dressing has become almost compulsory at Nag's Wednesday night sessions, Jonny stresses that all are still welcome, as long as they come with the right attitude.

"It's about using your imagination to be individual rather than buying designer clothes to fit in with the pack," he stressed.

"And if that means slapping on your big sister's blouse or donning your Mum's plastic wipe clean tablecloth, it doesn't matter- basically, whatever."