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Fantasy Lover or Settling for Less: Barefoot Doctor Advises

Author: Jonty Adderley
Saturday, April 20, 2002
As well as running a thriving multimedia empire, taking in network TV, books and even perfume, Taoist spiritual adviser the Barefoot Doctor has just joined the Skrufff team as our resident doctor of love. The London based shoeless one will be contributing regular pearls of wisdom and begins this week by answering a question that will strike a chord with many:

Is it better to hold out for an as yet unknown lover you'll feel madly enthusiastic about, or settle for less and embrace the moment-

The Barefoot Doctor: "Firstly, remember that you create your own reality according to which beliefs you choose to invest in. For example, invest in the belief that what's for you won't pass you by and what passes you by wasn't for you, then you're free to love the one you're with, even if they don't live up to the fantasy of the so-called perfect relationship partner you've been holding onto. Nothing will stop your destiny, in other words.

Skrufff: How can you speed up finding your dream date-

Barefoot Doctor: "From your innermost being, call out across the etheric waves to the innermost being of the lover you yearn for and invite them into your orbit. Do this as often as you like and while you're waiting, get on with your love-life - just be sure to attempt to be as clear, straight, upfront and compassionate with everyone with whom you engage along the way."