TF Archives

Clubbers Meningitis Death Warning

Author: Jonty Adderley
Saturday, January 19, 2002
Clubbers who celebrated New Years Eve in Dover nightclub Snoops are being asked to contact doctors, following the deaths of two teenagers from meningitis, both of whom attended the club.

"We urgently appeal to anyone who was at the club on New Year's Eve to come forward and ensure they are inoculated, "Dr Kumar Chanrakumar from the local health authority told the BBC (

1,200 people attended the club that night, though authorities are stressing the venue might not be the source of infection. One of the first symptoms of the rare though often fatal brain disease is a skin rash, and teenagers and students are often the most at risk of infection. For more information check, the site below which also reveals that another common symptom is feeling discomforted by bright lights. (The Meningitis Research Foundation- Symptoms)