TF Archives

Trade's New DJ On Stock Market Crashes

Author: Skruff
Monday, April 9, 2001
Trade's newest resident DJ Emma "EJ" Doubell predicted the recent Wall Street crash would happen 2 years ago, and furthermore told Muzik that the resulting chaos might destroy the global economy. "Stock markets and banks across the globe will crash simultaneously," she said (speaking in 1997). "The signs to watch out for will include rogue financial traders and cashpoint machines refusing to give you money. I follow the news every day looking for the signs and as soon as I see them, my money is coming straight out of the bank."

EJ made her name spinning bouncy techno at notoriously decadent gay Sunday nighter FF during the mid 90s and joined Trade's pool of resident DJs recently after regularly playing the last (afternoon) slot at Turnmills.

Unusually (for a DJ), she also practises spiritual healing and cleanses and closes her chakras before each set, she revealed in a Trade press release this week. "It is her way of plugging in to the energy of the evening but a means also of keeping her on top and aware so that she can share but not succumb to the intensity of the mood," Trade said. "She's been involved in clubbing for many years now and feels that DJs have to develop strategies for personal as well as professional survival."

Coincidentally, EJ's Mother used to run a mobile disco in her youth, though the pair parted company by the time Emma reached her teens. "I was totally rebellious, running away from home then giving myself up at the local police station," she admitted.
