TF Archives

Taste Test - Teriyaki Anarki Saki

Author: Teriyaki Anarki Saki Crew
Friday, April 27, 2001
You came, you heard, you danced your ass off. Now come again and do more of the same. Though your attention should firmly be fixed on this weeks top class players thinly disguised top class players. First of all witness the hard working Live resident, Steve Law as he lugs his studio half way around Melbourne just for your listening pleasure. It's a lot of stuff but it's all worth it. Tweaka will tweak his way through a dirty, funk driven pile of greasy records. DJ Martin braves the road rage all the way from sunny ST Albans to dump the contents of his boxes in the indomitable ST Albans style. What 70's masterpieces will he bravely sow into his wild and eclectic set- Be there to find out. Dee Dee and Slack will put on brave faces and, without moaning, deliver, their usual onslaught of famed and loved-, blend of continuous non stop amusement. In the den of evilness Bker and inmates will flawlessly and effortlessly confuse you with a myriad of sounds the likes of which will confuse even yours truly. Did you have some Moet- I certainly hope you did. I did... it was yummy. So for the same price as a shit meal at a crumby trendy cafe you might be better off eating at home and waddling down to Teriyaki at the Hifi Bar. 125 Swanston St, Melbourne. Teriyaki; It's more nourishing than a lot of things. That's what my mum always taught