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London's Latest Legalise Cannabis March: Saturday September 29th

Author: Skrufff
Thursday, September 20, 2001
Organisers of London's forthcoming cannabis March are calling for British authorities to overturn their prohibition on cannabis and to release immediately all prisoners jailed for cannabis related offences. "The recent progress towards defacto decriminalisation in parts of Britain is to be welcomed but is clearly not the full solution," organisers said this week. "Only a complete, 100% lifting of cannabis prohibition allowing the growing, selling and social consumption of cannabis will do. Anything less is simply a half-way house which fails to protect the public."

Protesters are being asked to gather from 12 noon at Hyde Park's Speaker's Corner, to march down to Trafalgar Square from 2pm. No sound systems have been licensed for the event, which is likely to attract tens of thousands of young people. However, British authorities are unlikely to alter their stance however many people turn up, Legalise Cannabis Alliance spokesperson Alun Buffry said this week in a letter to the Daily Express.

"Labour has made it clear it does not want a Royal Commission because, it says, it would not legalise cannabis even if a commission recommended it," said Mr Buffry. 'It has already ignored recommendations on cannabis use from the House of Lords Select Committee and the Police Foundation. It is time we asked the government what its true motives are for such a stance against easing the law in the face of both public and expert opinion. People no longer believe that it is to protect health."

Organisers of the march also appear concerned by the British authorities' continuing refusal to genuinely debate the cannabis issue, warning on their press release: REMEMBER: In the 1970s everyone thought that the prohibition of cannabis would be ended in a just a couple more years.'

For more information, check the site below:

Jonty Adderley
