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Deadly Ecstasy Warning: PMA Hits The UK

Author: Skruff
Friday, January 19, 2001
Birmingham police are reported to have seized "substantial quantities" of PMA, the super-strong ecstasy type drug that has been linked with large numbers of fatalities around the world. The amphetamine-based tablets, which are sometimes designed to look like ecstasy tablets, are particularly dangerous because they're much slower acting than ecstasy (and initially apparently weaker) prompting users to take more tablets and risk overdose. In fact, PMA is up to 20 times stronger than amphetamine, meaning taking even two tablets can be seriously risky.

"PMA is a Class A drug, it is the most sexy and the most dangerous," a senior police spokesman told the Observer. "Obviously there's the opportunity for it to get into the club scene and the success of this depends on how much has arrived in the UK."

According to the report, suspect pills include Mitsubishi Turbos, and Double Stackeds and is usually found in 'thick white tablets'. However, with ecstasy testing remaining illegal in the UK, identifying PMA from E accurately will remain very difficult. Harm minimisation tips published in Australian magazine Inpress last week(where 9 people have died from PMA use) should help at least reduce the risk.

"Experiment safely - If experimenting with illicit drugs, make sure you use a reliable dealer that people you know have used before. Be conservative with the dosage you take so you can gauge the effects (if it's not working after ten minutes, don't pop two more - patience is a virtue) and always make sure someone experienced with the drug is around to keep an eye on you.

Call the ambulance - If you're worried about somebody, don't be afraid to call an ambulance - they don't report to the police if you're underage or have taken illegal drugs" (in Australia). Australian drug information (harm reduction) (Transform: 00 44 (0) 117-939 8052) (an excellent, information packed site, UK)