TF Archives

BT's Equipment Stolen ... Again

Author: NewZfusion
Friday, March 9, 2007
BT has suffered another setback in music production after thieves removed over $150,000 worth of studio equipment.

Included in the list of "priceless" equipment was a computer that contained the complete live show for recently released This Binary Universe, a Dave Smith PolyEvolver and a Hartmann Neuron.

Offering a reward of US$20,000 (as cash or his producer time) and citing "recovery, not retalliation", BT is on a mission to get his equipment back and he wants to set up a new initiative that prevents these kinds of things happening again.

"As many of you know, I am interested in the human condition and the spiritual nature of all of the work that we as a community create," he states.

"I am asking for this information and implementing an unorthodox approach in the hopes of actually recovering my music and equipment."

Under a community-based, not-for-profit subscription service, registered users will be able to "thumb print" or microchip their much-loved gear. The result would allow victims to identify their watermarked equipment if it surfaces in second-hand stores, or on the more-popular eBay, both havens for stolen goods.

Not only looking after the priceless wares of studio buffs, the community would also look into distributing donated equipment to producers who can't afford to buy their own. Educational workshops would also be on the cards for the group, in which participants could leave with the gear they need.

"In this country [the US]," BT states on his MySpace page, "I feel like many of us are disconnected from the possibility of ... effectuating real and lasting changes.

"Maybe this personal setback will make it possible for some kid who can't afford an audio interface [to receive one]."

Read the entire statement here