Resin Dogs DJ Katch
Author: Sarah Link
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Of course. We obviously really liked the work he�s done with the Nextmen but at the same time believed we could work together to produce a unique Resin Dogs album. Essentially, though, it was a unanimous decision to get him on this album, and we�re really pleased with how it turned out. There�s also some great collaborations on this album from musicians and friends from over the years, both local and international, that we respect and enjoy making tunes with.
You�ve said that many tracks on High Fidelity Dirt were not made with you all together at the same time-has this approached happened on this album--
Definitely. We�ve never sat down like Powderfinger and said �OK, now we�re making a new album�. Someone might come up with some beats and we put something else over that and it evolves from there�anything can inspire us: from being out at a club to hearing a beat and thinking �Yeah that might work�.
We just really let it evolve and get a vibe off each other, and it goes from there. Due to our individual schedules it�s hard to sometimes get us all in the same room, and we prefer to let our sound evolve than lock ourselves in a studio
Apart from getting much bigger, do you think your audience has changed much in the last decade-
Obviously it�s changed a lot. There�s a new generation that are discovering us for the first time, as well as a lot of people who have supported us for many years and it�s always great to see both coming together to enjoy a Resin Dogs show.
How has the Brisbane music scene changed in that time-
The scene�s changed immensely. Electronic music, dance and laptop bands are really popular. Acoustic music is obviously still alive and kicking too. Live music, particularly rock, seems to be going out due to noise restrictions by councils and neighbours of live music venues which is really disappointing. It�s like they almost expect you to play the drums with chopsticks, it�s so restricting.
What do you loving playing most-smaller intimate gigs or major festivals-
It doesn�t really make a difference whether we�re playing to 1 person or to 100,000 people. As long as they�re enjoying the music then we�re happy. We�re essentially a live performance band, we just really want people to have fun.
Having blitzed every Australian music festival under the sun, where will the new album be taking you- What are your tour plans-
We hope to do lots of touring with this album across the country over Summer. We�re adding a really visual dimension to our shows which should be great, we might play some big festivals, that�s all in the pipeline at the moment. For now though, we just want to bring our new album to the masses!
Resin Dogs' More is out now through Hydrofunk Tags